Elite Runner Treadmill Review is Live!

The Big Guy Treadmill Review team is excited to announce that we will expand from reviewing treadmills to also rating exercise bikes!

Thanks to the endless stream of positive reviews, enthusiastic praise and devoted customers that we’ve heard from after launching our website, reading reviews and watching video tutorials on YouTube, it is with great pleasure that we can announce we are expanding!

“Big Mike” and his team have received so much interest that they’ve decided to add a round of reviews for stationary exercise bikes and recumbent bikes in March.

We are looking forward to putting the leading brands of exercise bikes under the bright lights – and big bodies – of the Big Guy Treadmill Review team.

We’ve had numerous people express their surprise and appreciation for the quality of our reviews for Big Guy Treadmill Review. They have never encountered anything similar before!

Many online reviews are nothing more than copy-and-paste material, rarely offering an original thought or opinion. It’s the same boring details of a few select models that gets mentioned repeatedly, with little to no unique information available on those products.

Peloton Review is Live!

Look no further than Big Guy Treadmill Review for honest and impartial reviews. Our review team is based out of At Home Fitness, the premier chain of superstores in Arizona specialized in fitness products. We are the people who sell, service and use the leading brands of specialty fitness equipment – so we know our stuff!

Our customers had been asking us for years “what’s the best treadmill?” or “what’s the best exercise bike?” So we decided to put the top brands to the test and come up with actual rankings.

At our treadmill review service, we differentiate ourselves by testing with individuals who weigh over 200 pounds – and some even close to 300. This allows us to guarantee accurate reviews that are tailored to meet the needs of heavier users!

Are you worried that 300-pound customers won’t be catered to? Big Guy Treadmill Review understands your concerns and has taken the extra step of purchasing all of the treadmills we review in order to put them through rigorous testing. We take our reviews seriously and strive for accuracy by pushing each treadmill to its limits.

To determine how our product stood against the competition, we conducted in-depth assessments – and some of the results were very interesting!

Bowflex Treadmill Review is Live!

Leading brands that were chosen for Big Guy Treadmill Reviews, such as Life Fitness, 3G Cardio, Peloton, Bowflex, Nordic Track, OMA and more.

We rated our treadmills on more than 125 different factors to come up with overall rating and value scores.

Our criteria include factors such as selling price, performance ratings, overall comfort and design, buying experience, assembly experience, customer service, motor, electronics, deck, belt, rollers and warranty.

Expect similar dedication for our comprehensive exercise bike reviews.

Consider Big Guy Treadmill review your No. 1 source for treadmill reviews and comparisons – and for exercise bikes.

Our team of experts puts forth the effort to test and review top-rated brands so customers can avoid wasting their own time. With our in-depth research, consumers are guaranteed that they’re purchasing only premium treadmills from a company with incomparable customer service as well as complete support throughout their purchase and ownership experience.