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Exercising on the Peloton Tread 3500 is a recommended choice to help you reach your fitness goals. You’ll also love its large, front-facing monitor that will keep all of your workout metrics in easy view!

The Big Guy Treadmill Reviews team lauded the Peloton Tread 3500 with their 2023 “Best Tech Award” due to its outstanding technology and sizable upper display. Out of eleven treadmills that were reviewed, it ranked second highest in terms of “Bug Guy Rating” achieving an extraordinary score of 92 out 100!

This Peloton 3500 has a solid feel with a strong motor that has very little speed loss (rpms) at a 6 mph speed, with a 270- pound person running. It has a good looking, streamlined design with a space-saving deck that houses the motor under the frame.

The features that were included in the package certainly outweighed any unexpected drawbacks.

“We were very excited to get the Peloton Treadmill in here, even though it took a while to get it,” said “Big” Mike Sullivan, alluding to waiting two months from the time of purchase to delivery. “As far as the aesthetics of it, it’s cool looking.

“It has a very nice console. There is a big display and the technology is outstanding. Overall, I’d probably recommend this treadmill if someone was really dying for the Peloton online content and wants to use the app.”

“Overall, it’s a sleek looking treadmill,” Sullivan added. “We know that there’s some pretty good quality behind it for $2,500 bucks.”

One of the downsides to owning this treadmill is that you need to pay a $40 monthly subscription in order to access most features.

Much to the Big Guy team’s dismay, they discovered how little cushioning their treadmill provided.

Elite Runner Treadmill Review is Live!

“It has some cool, futuristic features in its console and design, but it’s a lot of pay, pay, pay,” Sullivan said. “That’s what Pelton is. They’re known for their classes, their app.

“We were surprised that the Peloton Tread 3500 has an extremely hard deck with little to no suspension.”

Big Guy Treadmill Reviews are an industry standout.

We provide trustworthy reviews from fitness experts who aren’t afraid to put their own bodies on the line – each member of our team weighs in at 200+ pounds! Sullivan, a towering 6-foot-4 and 298 pounds, heads up this unique group of testers.

Big Guy Treadmill Review tested leading brands such as Life Fitness, 3G Cardio, Peloton, Bowflex, NordicTrack, OMA and more.

Review sites rarely consider the durability of a treadmill when used by larger individuals. At Big Guy Treadmill Review, we wanted to change that and ensure our rankings were reliable. To make sure this was achieved, we spent an impressive $20,000 on seven independent researchers in addition to purchasing products, lighting equipment and more! Now you can trust that our review is sincere and legitimate for all leading brands.

If a treadmill can survive the rigorous tests by Big Mike and his team for quality, worth, and endurance then it is surely capable of lasting even longer with most people. Therefore, anyone who wants to invest in such a device should know that they are receiving an item that has been tried-and-tested.

Bowflex Treadmill Review is Live!

Peloton Tread 3500 earns 2023 Best Tech Award

The Peloton Tread 3500 92 overall rating trailed only the 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill (95) and edged out the 3G Cardio Pro Runner (91) and LF Club 95T (88).

Some of the grades from the Big Guy Treadmill Review team that stand out for the Peloton Tread 3500 are overall comfort and design (B), cushioning and feel (C-), handlebar placement (A) and treadmill stability (A).

The Peloton Tread 3500 received a C for Overall Buying Experience, and an A- for Customer Service. Its 3.0 HP motor trailed the 4.0 motors of the 3G Cardio Elite Runner, LifeFitness Club 95T and Bowflex T10.

Our Big Guy team concluded, “Our initial impressions were that it is a solid treadmill, ample running room but minimal space required. We immediately liked the overall look and sturdiness of the machine. Obviously the huge upper treadmill display monitor was something that we were impressed by. Overall the Peloton Treadmill tested well in most categories. Very little speed loss both with a heavy user and without a heavy user and a very accurate ‘true speed’ percentage at 6mph belt speed. 

“One category however the Peloton Tread did not test well surprisingly was ‘Cushioning and Feel.’ The Peloton Treadmill was extremely hard, almost like there was no cushioning at all. This was a big turn off for our testers and really about the only negative that led us to not award a ‘best buy’ rating. Kind of a big deal. We also were surprised to see how challenging it would be to lubricate the belt. Lubing the belt for the first time will be a learning curve for most people.”